In demand from around the globe, from Hong Kong to Miami, sustainable seafood from the cold clear waters of Scotland is the preferred choice for the world’s best chefs
With over 18,000 kilometers of pristine coastline lying exactly where the warm gulfstream meets the cold waters of the North Atlantic, the sea has always played a large part in Scotland’s heritage. Its unique setting creates the perfect climate and feeding grounds to grow some of the world’s finest seafood – a valuable, high-quality resource that has been harvested by Scottish fishermen for generations.
Landing over 540,000 tonnes every year across 60 species available commercially including both wild, caught and farmed seafood, seafood is Scotland’s largest food export amassing over £1 billion revenue per year. Over two thirds of the world’s langoustines are sourced in Scotland, with salmon being the number one export species for Scottish companies.

More than 80% of Scottish seafood is consumed outside of the UK and sold to over 120 countries across the globe, offering new markets such as the Middle East strong confidence in the country’s tried and tested exporting infrastructure. The primary sectors include shellfish, whitefish, pelagic, and farmed seafood, providing a rich array of high-quality options to buyers, chefs, and consumers alike across Dubai and the UAE.
Sustainable Seafood
Scotland is an acknowledged global pioneer in sustainable fishing methods, holding more MSC accreditations than most other EU countries. All Scottish fishing vessels are licensed based on their size, where they fish and what they catch. Scottish fishermen consider themselves to be custodians of the sea, deeply passionate about sustaining the rich marine environment from which they make their living.
Working closely with Government, scientists and environmental NGOs including the Marine Stewardship Council, Friend of the Sea, RSPCA Assured, Label Rouge, The Soil Association, The Organic Food Federation and Protected Geographic Indications, the Scottish seafood industry has taken a proactive approach to sustainability; from engaging in pioneering fishing and sustainable certification programmes, to becoming one of the leaders in European sustainable fisheries management. All Scottish fisheries are controlled, regulated and managed in order to deliver a sustainable and traceable supply of seafood from net to plate.
Due to these practices, many species found in the North East Atlantic have shown a significant increase in abundance with European hake and North Sea plaice stocks at a historic high. As well as aggregate whitefish spawning stock biomass, which has increased dramatically over the last two decades and is now also at a record levels while the average level of fishing mortality of whitefish stocks has fallen to record-low over the same period.
Great Tasting Seafood
Scotland fishes and farms over 60 different seafood species, meaning its larder is plentiful and diverse. Considered some of the best in the world, Scotland’s cold and clear waters allow it’s shellfish to mature in their own time, growing slowly to increase their sweet flavour, while salmon farmed in Scotland has also been found to have increased Omega-3 levels compared with other salmon producing countries.
Thanks to its optimal, nutrient-rich environment, Scotland’s farm-raised salmon is internationally recognised as being the finest tasting in the marketplace and was named “best farmed salmon in the world’ in a poll of international seafood buyers. Farmed in the cool, clear waters of the Highlands and islands, it has held the French Government’s top quality award, Label Rouge, for 20 years. Available fresh, frozen or smoked, it can be used for carpaccio, sushi, sashimi or cooked in a variety of ways and is available at various stockists across the Dubai.
Long associated with luxury dining, Scottish shellfish is also a popular UAE export. The species available in the region include pacific oysters, which are cultivated on the west coast and isles taking 18-30 months and scallops caught around Scotland’s coast, using mobile gear or by hand diving which have a sweet delicate flavour and need minimal cooking. There’s also brown crab – traditionally fished by pot and creel around the west coast and Scottish isles. Full of vitamins and minerals, the dark crabmeat is both rich in taste and in Omega 3.
A highly prized species similar to a king prawn, but actually closer relation to a lobster with a meaty texture and sweet shellfish flavor is langoustine. Caught in the North Sea and inshore waters, Scotland has the world’s largest share of langoustines, some of which are shipped to the UAE and available at Loch Fyne Seafarms in Dubai.
Another premium choice for chefs and foodies alike is the internationally famous Scottish lobster, generally known to be some of the finest in the world. Traditionally fished by pot and creel around Scotland’s coastline, it has a strong sweet flavor and meaty texture and is a firm favourite on fine-dining menus across the emirates.

Scottish Seafood Is Healthy and Nutritious
Linked to specific benefits for the eyes, heart and skin, seafood contains important vitamins and minerals including vitamins D and B12, selenium and zinc. Oil-rich fish such as salmon, trout, herring and mackerel, and shellfish such as crab and mussels are the best natural sources of Omega 3. Omega 3 is important for brain development in young children and helps to lower blood cholesterol and boost memory and concentration.
Seafood from Scotland is available at a range of stockists across the UAE including Associated Seafoods, Cooke Aquaculture, Dawnfresh, Highland Smoked Salmon, John Ross Jr, Loch Duart Salmon, Loch Fyne Oysters, Loch Fyne Seafarms, MOWI Scotland, Scottish Sea Farms, The Scottish Salmon Company and Wester Ross Salmon