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Incredible India: A sanctuary for wellness retreats

By Shereen Shabnam India has always been an interesting destination with fascinating diversity but now it is on the top of the list for tour...

Return to Budapest

Shereen Shabnam After a few delightful days in Prague, we took a train to Budapest to experience the city’s rich history, natural sites and their...

Three Ways the Raspberry Pi is Sparking a Digital Learning Revolution

By: Michael Cade, Senior Global Technologist, Veeam Digital transformation is currently at the top of every CIO’s agenda. Investing in technology to enable virtual working...

Ten Technology Trends Moving into 2021

To retool for the world of tomorrow, companies should stay on top of these critical digital trends. By Dr.Houssem Jemili, Partner at Bain & Company...

Managing to Hold the Workforce Ship Steady in current times of stress.

Maggie Williams, Executive Coach at Thriving Hives Reading a Q & A recently with Dr Nick Taylor, CEO and CO- Founder of Unmind he points...

A unique taste of Spain is arriving off the UAE coast at the Heart of Europe

Expect the best of Spanish dining, dancing, music and culture and an authentic Spanish language welcome when the luxury resort opens to arrivals on...

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